10 Handmade Gifts Using Essential Oils

10 Handmade Gifts that Use Essential Oils

I’ll admit it.  I have a growing obsession with essential oils.

I love them!

I love them because they nourish my family.  I love them because I can make non-toxic cleaning supplies with them.  I love them because I can make these amazing handmade gifts with them.

I really love meaningful gifts.  And, handmade gifts that smell lovely are so meaningful, and useful.

When using essential oils it is always important to use 100% pure therapeutic grade oils.  Oils are a very potent extract of the plant and can contain toxins or fillers if they are not pure.  Plus, they lose their therapeutic benefit when you settle for less than the best.

I recommend Young Living Essential Oils .  I love to use these oils with my clients because I trust them fully and have done lots of research to back it up.

I hope you enjoy this amazing selection of handmade gifts using essential oils, you really will never be the same once you start using them!


Coco-mint Lip Balm



Homemade Lemongrass Bath Salts


Lavender and Mint Bath and Body Set


Lavender Salve (with printable labels)


Frankincense and Wild Orange Sugar Scrub


Ginger and Lime Coconut Body Scrub


Coffee and Mint Sugar Scrub

Peppermint Foot Soak

Peppermint Foot Soak


Coconut Lavender Relaxation Salve


Shampoo Bars with Rosemary


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