Unless some of us moms struggled with being really sick before having children sometimes being crazy, crunchy, and wild health conscious seems too difficult or seeming ridiculous to figure out. I have found that after having children, moms become very in tune that their children may need some other things in their diets to stay healthy. An increasing number of children have been diagnosed with ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies. No one can deny it, the Standard American Diet is depleting the health of the each one of us and for sure the mother’s of many babies being born each day. More and more babies are being born colicky and so sick that they get irritated by their own mother’s milk.
I think we can change that!
Taking back our roots and getting away from the Standard American Diet is some of the answer. The problem is that in our faced paced society it is hard to invest the time and energy to figure out exactly how to change our regular eating habits. We do what is convenient for us and what we may have learned about food growing up. Unfortunately, modern medicine is not offering any help by throwing antibiotics (that are creating super bugs), prescription drugs or just offering little or no advice at all in our direction for true health and healing.
It is my mission to empower parent’s to have healthy families and healthy children by gaining science based knowledge about a healthy diet. When your children feel better they will also respond better to the environment around them.
And, it just so happens that for simply pennies you can find a whole host of health information that is easily accessible that takes no decoding to help you have healthy babies.
Right now, you can get these 5 titles (that contain much more than 5 ways to have healthy, happy children) & many more to help you guide your children to health with food for next to nothing! Don’t stop reading here. This is a really great deal!
Does even the thought of scratch cooking overwhelm you? I know, your life is fast paced and you can’t even stand the thought of one more thing to do. In this book Homemade Mommy, aka Lindsey Gremont shares all her secrets to give health to her children through food even despite a busy lifestyle. This is a must have for any busy household that wants happier, healthier children. Don’t miss the Real Food Survival Guide for Busy Moms!
Do you have any children with wheat allergies? I’m currently trialing a wheat-free diet for my 3-year old. She has always had fairly frequent bowl movements and diaper rasher and I’m pretty sure wheat is the culprit. The problem is that wheat is everywhere. How do you even begin to cut wheat out of a child’s diet when it is the easiest thing to reach for? And, how do you give your children wheat free meals that they want to eat? The Gluten Free Real Food Recipes For Kids just may be the answer to those struggles.
I know that you want to nourish your children. I desperately want your children nourished too! Healthy children will make life less stressful and much easier to manage. But, how do you nourish your children? Based on the principles of West A Price, Sandrine Young of Nourishing Our Children shares what a truly nourished diet is all about.
Also inspired by the work of Weston A. Price, this amazing book,’ Real Food Nutrition FOR KIDS!’ will help you teach your children how to make their own great food choices! Empowerment and education at its finest! This fabulous book of education genius has great illustrations and activities for kids! $19.95
Do you or your children suffer from food allergies? Did you know that many food allergies can be reversed? The Reversing Food Allergies Cookbook contains over 350 grain-free, soy-free, dairy-free & nut-free recipes. Perfect to help yourself and your little ones overcome the foods that are nagging at truth health.
Get this Reversing Food Allergies Cookbook, the accompanying class & so so much more for only $39 in the fall VGN bundle!
Give your family the gift of health this holiday season. These 5 books in and of themselves are over an $100 value. You can get all these titles & tons more resources for your library for only $39 from the ‘Fall into Health’ Book Bundle from Village Green Network.
This sale is this week only! So don’t miss out on this super great deal to give your family the tools that they need to be as healthy as they can be!
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