Winter is fast approaching and we all know what that means! The sniffles, the coughs, and all the other fun stuff that seemingly comes with the colder weather. In order to stay healthy, our house stays stocked with Young Living products and they provide a tremendous boost to our overall health, especially during the upcoming season. [Read more…]
6 Ways to Get a Jump Start on Productivity in 2016
In order to make 2016 the most productive and effective year yet I think we all need to squeeze more time into our 24 hour day. Don’t you agree?
Somehow I don’t think that is possible, but I do think that streamlining every area of our lives and making the most of each second of the day is possible. There are so many fabulous tools out there that can be helpful in making each day more productive. Each year I learn about more and implement them into my life. Therefore, we can all get more done by taking full advantage of these simple tools. [Read more…]
Why Schisandra Berry Needs to Be in Every Natural Medicine Cabinet
Boost your immune system this winter with Schisandra berry syrup. This amazing berry has a sweet, bitter, salty, and pungent profile, making it an adaptogenic jack of all trades. For thousands of years this berry has been used for its medicinal properties and use in medical preparations. Schisandra is known for improving the health and vitality of those who use it and is grown in China.
You will want to stock up on this berry powerhouse. We are not without it during the winter time. The Chinese use this herb to [Read more…]
Work from Home and Reach Your Dreams with an Essential Oils Business
Do you have a desire to legitimately work from home? Do you want to make your own schedule and work on your own timetable? Do you want to be able to spend more time with your family and/or do the things you really want? Do you have a passion to make a real and lasting difference in people’s lives? [Read more…]
5 Habits to Help Reduce Stress and Improve Health

Stress will destroy your life way before anything you eat.
If you’ve known me for long, you know that I’m the health nut of all health nuts. I believe that healthy nutrient dense eating is incredibly important, every. single. day.
I also agree with Dr. Whals that one should try to eat 6-9 cups of veggies per day. Yum, veggies.
But, before you think I’m all crazy about food, reducing your stress level can quickly improve your health. Chronic stress may be the most common cause of disease because your body never has time to recover from the damage inflicted upon it.
We live in a super face paced society, but you don’t have to live that way. [Read more…]
The Autoimmune Wellness Bundle: An Amazing Resource Available Only Until May 25th!
Are you struggling with an Autoimmune condition? Do you know that you want to do something about your diet to improve your condition, but you aren’t sure exactly what to do? I am very, very excited to share this amazing resource with you to get on the road to feeling better!
The Autoimmune Wellness Bundle contains 45 e-books (worth over $500) and 26 discount codes all for just $39! But hurry, it’s only on sale until May 25th!
If you aren’t familiar with e-book bundles, they typically include a variety of e-books as well as discount codes, all for a huge discount and sold for a limited time. Not all bundles are a good deal and I only support those few that provide a large variety of the best-quality resources for a truly amazing deal–and the Autoimmune Wellness Bundle definitely delivers!
This is the very first bundle to focus on exclusively autoimmune protocol-friendly resources! And it of them! Yes, every single AIP e-book ever created–including cookbooks, meal plans, andguides–are included in this bundle! Even better,this bundle is full of lifestyle guides to help you tackle all the other stuff too, like stress management, sleep, body image, and movement. Need help troubleshooting the autoimmune protocol? Then you’ll love the collection of included e-books that takes you beyond the basics to help you hone in on root issues and regain your health. Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, autoimmune expert and author of The Paleo Approach has personally vetted every single resource included in this bundle. The Autoimmune Wellness Bundle is quite simply the best AIP resourceon the planet! And it’s only available until Monday! Check out all the details here.
[Read more…]
My Essential Oils Don’t Work, Now What?
So, I tried essential oils and they don’t work for us…
I have only heard this phrase a handful of times, but I know there are some people out there that feel this way.
Maybe that someone is you. You’ve heard the hype, you’ve tried the essential oils and maybe they aren’t the miracle you were hoping for.
Most of the time “essential oils don’t work” is not what I hear about Young Living oils. Most of my new members are head over heels IN LOVE with their essential oils if they purchased a Premium Starter Kit with Young Living. Some of these members were previously using super cheap online or local health food store essential oils, and just didn’t see the life changing benefit everyone was talking about. Of course, I’m not surprised since these oils are of lesser quality. [Read more…]
9 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels
Poor energy levels are such a drag, aren’t they?
I mean you have places to go, people to see, and most likely little people to take care of. At least I do, I have three little people and a husband that I look out for. Plus, I have a life to live.
I just don’t have time for low energy levels.
The million dollar question is how can I increase my energy levels without resorting to drinking coffee all day long? [Read more…]
6 Easy Ways to Assist the Body in Gentle Detox
I have to tell you a secret…
I had not worked out since my 2nd child was born… until today! Whoopee! I’m just so excited that my husband twisted my arm I went and worked out.
Actually, I have had this crazy urge to sweat. I think I have felt kind of a burning desire to help my body detox. Probably because it has been THAT long since I’ve worked out and I didn’t want to do any full body detox during nursing or pregnancy. [Read more…]
Introducing the Thieves Premium Starter Kit
Did you know??
There is a way to STOCK UP ON THIEVES and get started with a Young Living membership all at the same time?
Yup, you can get all the discounts and benefits of a Young Living membership, just by stocking up on Thieves products! [Read more…]