Discover Why I Can’t Keep Quiet About Essential Oils

Prevention of disease is the key to enjoying a vibrant, full, healthy and happy life. I am so excited that you landed on this page, because I have found essential oils to be one of my family’s most effective prevention tools. I am very excited that you are allowing me to share them with you! We enjoy so many benefits to our essential oil use and you will find so much support here when it comes to getting started on an oily journey.

Why I Got Started Using Essential Oils

My quest for health has been an amazing life long journey. I grew up as a child and grandchild of a Chiropractor and have always been intrigued by the power the body has to repair itself and prevent poor health if given the tools it needs to succeed.

In April of 2013, I was attending classes to get my training in Nutritional Therapy and I struck up a conversation with a classmate. She told me wonderful stories about essential oils being used to maintain a healthy thyroid, aid in occasional digestive discomfort, aid in maintaining emotional balancing against life’s normal stresses and so much more! I was completely amazed at the testimonials. The benefits were literally endless. Right then, I decided that I couldn’t wait any longer to see if these essential oils did all the things the research suggests. I wasn’t going to waste one more second without these amazing natural weapons against health destruction.


When it Comes to Essential Oils Quality Matters

Before I knew the therapeutic benefits of essential oils I had used them for DIY projects in my home and to pretty much make things smell nice. I didn’t realize there is an incredible difference in quality until I compared my Young Living oils with the cheap ones I had on hand. Young Living was around before essential oils were “cool”. They have more than 20 years of experience in the industry and own many of their own farms and distilleries. They have a better than organic process that doesn’t even touch a organic certification called Seed to Seal. This company and those who run it have committed their entire lives to quality. No one out there is more knowledgeable and no one can keep up with their scientific innovations for quality.

I Can’t Keep Quiet.

I got started with a Premium Starter Kit in April of 2013. I fell in love with it because of the amazing support, extremely high quality products and the results that I have seen EVERY SINGLE DAY with these oils since 2013. They have changed my life forever. Since there are numerous ways to use essential oils they can be used by EVERYONE. They can be used dietarily, aromatically and topically. There are options for everyone to experience the amazing benefits.

Are You Ready to Join the Revolution?

Young Living is unique because there are no strings attached to get started with the best essential oils on the planet. By joining with my team, Revolution Oils, you are joining a family of individuals who are excited to help you along in your health journey. Join through the green button below and I would be honored to send you reference materials, plug you into support groups, help with customer service and answer your questions. I know from experience you won’t be disappointed.

Join Our Family!

The best way to get started with Young Living is by purchasing a Premium Starter Kit. By making a Premium Starter Kit purchase as a wholesale member you gain lifetime access to 24% off all Young Living products! Ignore the wholesale customer option, these members pay full price and miss out on the more than 50% off a special product discount you get with the Premium Starter Kit.

The Premium Starter Kit is the best value that any company has to offer. I’ve even priced companies with cheap oils. You get the highest quality essential oils in the industry, plus a free diffuser. This is well over $300 worth of product for $160 and up depending on the diffuser you
decide on.

Check out the video below to see me talking about the Premium Starter Kit.

The Premium Starter Kit

The Essential Oil Premium Starter Kit gets you start with 11 of the most frequently used essential oils and you will get a choice of one of 4 diffusers, a roller ball for the top of your bottles, sample drams in case you want to share with friends or throw them in your purse, and tons of samples. This kit retails for over $300, you will get it for around 50% off! In addition to all these goodies you will get 24% off all products for a lifetime and you will be eligible for a loyalty program called essential rewards. You can enroll with any of the kits pictured below!

Want more information on the Premium Starter Kit?  You can check out my FREE e-course HERE.

Become a Wholesale Member

My Gift to You!

I’m excited to provide you with some great gifts to help you get started on your oily journey. I will send you my favorite essential oil reference guide 300+ pages and other reference materials. This is a $30 value! I have learned a ton from these reference materials and I know you will too! Once you order your Premium Starter Kit send and email to with your member number and I will get those gifts into the mail to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to sell Young Living products to be a wholesale member?
If someone wants to join Young Living through me, what do I give them?
Is there a monthly order minimum?
Is there a way to save even more money?
What comes in the Essential Oil Premium Starter Kit?
What kit do you recommend that I get started with?
Why Should I Become A Wholesale Member?


— Welcome to Revolution Oils —

I am not a medical professional and therefore, do not provide medical advice.
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