Oh, what beautiful food a hand held blender can make! My Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender has done me well. It has been used for everything from smoothies to soups. I just love having a kitchen tool that you can stick right in the pot, blend, detach the stick from the motor and throw it in the dishwasher.
Yes, it simplifies life.
No real food kitchen should be without one! And, we are giving one away!
The real kicker here is that you can choose any color you wish. Yes, you can even choose one to match your kitchen! Whoo hoo! There are 13 colors to choose from. Just check them all out here. (Amazon affiliate link)
I’m giving one of these babies away to a lucky winner to say THANK YOU for making my first couple months writing this blog successful! I really can’t write this blog without you reading. It is so excited to see you reading and engaging with what is happening here. So, please, enter to win and carry on reading, leaving comments and engaging on the facebook community.
In order to enter this giveaway I would love for you to subscribe to my newsletter. It helps me keep you in touch with all the great things that are going on around here. Plus, I send out coupons for my services and other great words of advice all the time.
So, don’t delay! Enter below and share it with all of your friends!
I love the iced blue mint!!!
The green is nice.
Pink Champagne!!!
I would love the Pink champagne color!
All the colors are cool. I like the green and the purple-ish one.
I just love the papaya color!
Sugar Plum is my favorite. I love purple!
I love the ice blue mint
I just had my molars pulled and am on a complete soft food diet, this would be perfect. I would choose sugared plum.
Sure would like to have one of these in white to match other eqipment!!
Sugared Plum!
I love the Iced Blue Mint color!
I’d get RED!
I would love the brushed chrome stick blender!! They look like a real work horse in the kitchen and I would use it a lot!
I would choose Key Lime Pie.
Megan McD recently posted…All Hail the Salad Spinner
I love both sugared plum and passion flower! Purple is my fave
I would choose the Iced Blue Mint
I would choose red or iced blue mint.
brushed chrome
The passion flower would look beautiful in my kitchen.
I’d get the red! thanks : )
I love the turquoise
I love the red!
I would choose Brushed Chrome and thanks!
I would choose red.
I like the brushed crome. Thank you!
Since there is no black, I’m going with Red!
Patrick recently posted…Gluten-Free Preparedness
Brushed chrome.
Sugared Plum for me!
Brushed Chrome
I would love the pink champagne or key lime green one! I have wanted a stick immersion blender for a while now. What a blessing!
Thank you for giving one of us a chance to win it!
Brushed Chrome would match my other kitchen tools!
The chocolate cherry looks really neat!
Awesome. love the plum
I want one of these! soups and salsas and salad dressings, oh my! Brushed Chrome color is very pretty
Tammy Dawson recently posted…Sustainable Veggie Garden
These look handy!
They are super handy. I love to just stick them in my soup pot when blending soup or other things.
I would like the color Papaya. It is so beautiful and matches my kitchen.
Deborah Davis recently posted…Food for Thought: 26 Eco Smart Ways to Reduce Home Food Waste
Passion Flower~ This is so awesome and would be so helpful not only this holiday season but in my everyday life. I’m recently gone gluten free and eat more fresh foods. This would help me so much in the kitchen. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I love the turquoise one! it matches our dish set and being recently married with a baby, I really need it!
samantha wilson recently posted…Find Freedom from Seasonal Affective Disorder During the Winter Months
I’d pick the red to match my stand mixer
The Iced Blue Mint one is beautiful!
PASSION FLOWER !! I have a passion for cooking, and with the right equipment that Passion CAN and WILL Flower
Haha, I literally have the iced blue mint one in my shopping cart already, just waiting until I get paid!
Would love to get the pink champagne! Coo website!
Thanks Michelle!
I would love to win one. I like the iced blue mint. This will help me make baby food for my son
sugar plum
This would be so great to win. So many beautiful colors, but I really love the Chocolate Cherry. Thanks for this great opportunity
Just found your facebook page! Would love to win one of these. I like the brushed chrome!
I would love to own this blender in Brushed Chrome, and then i would order one of the matching chrome thingies that you make milkshakes in…. like a real pro!
The key lime pie would match perfectly!
I think I would choose Chocolate Cherry–so hard to decide
Thanks for the opportunity!
Susan C. recently posted…Raised On the Pharm – Part One in My Medical Health Journey
the lovely color of papaya had me thinking about all the delicious pumpkin and squash soups there are left to make this season, but now i’m wondering about chilled soup and smoothie options with such a lovely looking kitchen accessory! my mind is racing with ideas!!
I love the pink champagne!