6 Easy Ways to Assist the Body in Gentle Detox


I have to tell you a secret… 

I had not worked out since my 2nd child was born… until today! Whoopee!  I’m just so excited that my husband twisted my arm I went and worked out.

Actually, I have had this crazy urge to sweat.  I think I have felt kind of a burning desire to help my body detox.  Probably because it has been THAT long since I’ve worked out and I didn’t want to do any full body detox during nursing or pregnancy. [Read more…]

Is Your Home Toxic and Causing Your Allergy Symptoms?


Current statistics indicate that American’s spend 90% of their time indoors.

Not only do Americans spend 90% of the their time indoors, the United States consumer product safety commission reports that indoor air quality is most times much worse than outdoor air quality just about everywhere.  (See source.)

There is no mistake about it, our bodies are on toxic overload.  If your doctor tries to tell you otherwise I think they have stuck their head in the sand.   [Read more…]

Easy and Gentle Liver Detox

Lemon Liver Detox

Due to our toxic environment your liver is very likely be one of the the most overburdened organs in your body.  If you are an adult, your liver most likely weighs about 3lbs and is the second largest organ in your body.    The liver is responsible for detoxing and filtering harmful substances in the body as well as an array of other functions. [Read more…]

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