Best Natural Dishwasher Detergent


The best natural dishwasher detergent can be very hard to find.  I have ditched all toxic chemicals from my home but I still managed to hang on to a dishwasher detergent that was ecofriendly, but had horrible chemicals in it (and a poison control warning label).  It has been the hardest thing to let go of since there aren’t many options out there that do the job.

Since film and residue can get left on your dishes I didn’t want to continue taking chances with leaving that stuff on my plates and it getting absorbed into my food.   No thanks.

Recently, I checked out the Environmental Working Group’s ratings on various dishwasher detergents and grabbed a few of the top rated detergents off of Amazon to see how they stand up to my dishes.

Fit Organic Dishwasher Gel

FitFit Organic Dishwasher Gel was recommended on one of my Facebook crunchy communities.  I think it is something that is relatively new on the market so I thought I should check it out.

X for this one. I say don’t even bother trying it out.  I may need a new dishwasher, but this brand can’t possibly be any good even if you have a brand new spanking clean dishwasher.  It doesn’t seem to get the dishes clean at all, and it leaves lots of spots.  

EWG rating: As far as I can find this one is so new that the EWG hasn’t even rated it yet.  After reading the ingredient list I think that it would be an A since it seems all natural and non-toxic to me.  But, if it doesn’t do anything to get your dishes clean then you might as well make your own.  


Grab Green Automatic Dishwasher Detergent


Grab Green Automatic Dishwasher Detergent was one of my favorites!  I would defianately purchase this one again.  This one is worth trying and I will be keeping this on hand. The only reservation that I have about it is it’s moderating EWG rating.  I felt like this brand made my dishes sparkle even brighter than any toxic store bought detergents that are on the market right now.  I highly recommend it!  

EWG rating: This product carries a B rating meaning that it has a low to moderate hazard when it comes to disrupting the body’s balance.   For some reason I thought I only chose products with an A rating, but I guess not.  There are some concerns about some of this products ingredients, but it is still going to be safer than most of the dishwasher detergents on the market. 

Wave Free and Clear Automatic Dishwasher Podswave

The Wave Free and Clear Automatic Dishwasher Pods worked alright.  If the Grab Green Detergent was two thumbs up the Wave Free and Clear was one thumb up.  This one is worth trying to see if you like it.  It wasn’t at the top of my list, but it wasn’t the most horrible I’ve ever used either.

EWG rating: The wave gels get a A rating.  I couldn’t find a rating specifically for the dishwasher pods. I did take  look at the ingredients though and all the ingredients on the package look like they are plant based, natural ingredients.  






Young Living Dish Soap

dishsoapOh my goodness, oh my goodness!!!  So, THIS is a dish soap and NOT a dish detergent.  So, I do not recommend filling the well up in your dishwasher with this bottle of goodness (that could get super expensive too.)  However, FOUR drops of the Thieves Young Living Dish Soap and your dishes will SPARKLE!!!!  Plus, this product has multiple uses! I love that!

The only downside (or upside in my book) to using this product is that it is best to be a Young Living member and purchase it at a discount.  You can become a Young Living member by purchasing a Premium Starter Kit HERE or you can learn more about becoming a member HERE.

EWG rating:  This product isn’t rated on the EWG data base, but it is a completely not toxic and plant based product!  It is one of my favorites and it has multiple uses that save you money in the long run. 

Well there you have it, four dishwashing products to try or not to try.  Here’s to kicking products that are riddled with toxic chemicals out of the home and replacing them with non-toxic ones!

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  1. I found the brand NICE at Walgreens to work well. I buy Nice! Dishwasher Packs Single Dose Detergent and EWG rates it an A. It can be a bit expensive, but like you I was holding on the to toxic dish detergent because my homemade stuff wasn’t working.

  2. I tried the grab green and it was good except I bought a scented one. It was a nice scent but I felt like it left my dishes with a bit of a smell. My silicone spatulas I threw away. Maybe there is an unscented version. Right now I’m using Ecover and its ok. Going to try the Thieves next.

  3. GrabGreen seems to be the only one I can get here in Finland. My favorite is the one with thyme and fig leaf. Wish I could try the other brands as well!
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