The cleanest house, hands, teeth, and children’s toys you will ever have…
This stuff is AMAZING! This stuff not only cleans stuff crazy good, but it also supports the immune system like no body’s business. Oh, and did I mention it is non-toxic?
I’m serious y’all, if you haven’t begun using Thieves oil it will rock your world! I use it for my family on a very regular basis, it is an oil that I use nearly everyday. Just try out my immune enhancing bath recipe for instance. And, you could just make your very own spray just using the essential oil or you can buy a premade spray directly from Young Living.
I am bringing you this fantastic giveaway along with Kelli from Happy Health Nut and Kate from Real Food RN.
Why? Because until you try it, you are completely missing it!
So, let’s talk about Young Living Essential Oils for just a little minute. Friends don’t let friends buy crappy oils. Really, Young Living really does have some of the highest quality oils on the market. I just can’t stress enough how important it is to buy high quality essential oils. Please only buy quality oils!
Essential Oils are very potent extracts of the plant. Don’t use anything that doesn’t fully disclose where they get their plant matter and if it is organic. You really don’t want those concentrated toxins on your body. With essential oils you will get what you pay for. Trust me! There are safety issues when using oils that are inorganic.
So, you want to get started in essential oils?
There is not a better time to get started than now. Click on over and read about why I think you should get involved in the oil revolution here.
If you sign up for a starter kit under my sponsorship, I offer an exclusive online learning community where you can begin to use oils to take your family’s health by the reigns. Yup, you can use oils to aid in healing for just about any health struggle. You won’t be left alone in the dust, you can expect my support to give you the resources that you need to be an oiler pro.
And, from now until January 31st if you sign up for a Premium Starter Kit I’m giving away a free copy of “Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils” while supplies last, so act fast! (Offer good for US residents only, offer ends January 31st.)
Read more or 
Now, to hear about the goods pictured on top.
The Giveaway:
The winner of this fantastic giveaway will win
2 – Thieves Household Cleaner
1 – 15ml Thieves Essential Oil Blend
1 – Thieves Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste
1 – Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash
2 – Thieves Spray
2 – Thieves Hand Purifier
2 – Thieves Foaming Hand Soap
This is a $115 value!
Can anyone say AWESOME?
Here’s how to enter:
There is absolutely no purchase necessary to enter the contest! Just enter by the instructions below.
1. Go on and read my page about Young Living Oils and how to sign up (and the cool stuff you get if you do).
2. Sign up for the Rooted Blessings Newsletter:
3. Follow me on Pinterest.
4. Like Rooted Blessings on facebook.
4. Now, go get your entries. All entries are earned via the widget. Don’t forget to stop by Happy Health Nut and Real Food RN to earn extra entries.
what an awesome prize!
I just got into Essential Oils but have yet to try Thieves. I would love to become a fan of this product!
Haylee recently posted…Make a Stress List
I have used Thieves EO and love it. It has helped when one of is us sick both to help that person heal faster and to ward of it getting spread through the rest of our family. I also just plain love the smell so it not only is beneficial to diffuse but makes my house smell great. I would love to try out the line of household thieves products with this giveaway!
I have wanted to try for a long time, Thanks for the giveaway 🙂
i have not tried thieves, but i’m very eager to!
I’m willing to give this a try. Thanks for all the information.
Barb Kelley recently posted…Can we help?
Great giveaway!!
Amazing giveaway! However, when I click “enter” or “cancel” to enter from the tab of “fans of rooted blessings” it won’t enter me… it takes me to some other page… table conversations??
Jessica C. recently posted…Small Things | His Watch
Strange Jessica. Someone else mentioned that. hmm.. I’ll have to see if I can do something about it.
Now for some reason it works. Strange. Anyway, I want to try this soon… even if I don’t win!
Jessica C. recently posted…Small Things | His Watch
This looks awesome!
I’m having the same issue with going to another site. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 🙂
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll try and fix it. Did you get it to work?
Yes, after a few refreshes. Thanks again!!!
I’ve used another eo company’s “thieves” oil, but never used YL’s thieves so I’d love to win this and finally try it all out! Maybe it will convert me into a die hard YL fan! LOL!
Meagan @ Growing Up Herbal recently posted…Ready, Get Set… Treating Fevers Naturally Relaunch Is Almost Here!
You never know, I bet if you tried it you would love it! I can’t say I’ve ever tried a Thieves blend from another company, but I have used oils form other companies and these babies are HIGH QUALITY stuff! I think you’d be hooked. 🙂
I have used Thieves oil as well as the spray. LOVE them both and would LOVE to try the rest of the Thieves products!!
Love all of your page and all of your information and this ole grandma is looking forward to learning new things and getting healthier. Have been hearing about the wonderful benefits of the oils, especially Thieves, so was excited when I saw your giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity!
Yay! So glad that you found me! 🙂
ive never used them before but i think they would be a very handy resource to have on hand
Great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
I have never tried Thieves before, so I would like to try it to help with household stuff.
I have never used Young Living oils before but have heard great things about them. Would love to start!
I would love to try these products.
I love essential oils and know that quality is very important
I would love to win this because we’re trying to move into more natural living… I have never used thieves oil before, but have heard a lot about it and its benefits!
Patrick @ Survival at Home recently posted…10 Easy Garden Crops
Oh Patrick, you would love Young Living! I think that essential oils are a fantastic first steps towards natural living. Although, it looks like you’ve already gotten started a little bit by your link. 🙂 If you are interested I have started a beginners EO group that would like to know more. It is also fantastic for blogging. It is fun to promote a product I absolutely love so much, that I know can help people take first steps toward healthful living.
my yoga studio uses these oils, thieves to wipe down mats. I love the way it smells and would love to incorporate more of this style of cleaning into my routine
Although I’ve read a lot about the ‘origin’ of Thieves Essential Oil blend, and have seen it offered on, I have never used it . . . . but I sure would like to try! It is touted as being great for increasing immunity & resistance of air-born diseases. Sounds great!
I’ve never tried this brand of Thieves before, I’ve tried another brands copy and I loved that one, so I’m sure this one is awesome!
Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my qutiseons are answered!
I’ve never used this oil, but I would love to win to give my immune system a boost.
I would love to win this thieves set. I have 5 children at home and would love to be able to try this great set out with our family.
I have never used thieves oil and I am fairly new to EO’s, but I have read such wonderful things about thieves oil that I have really been wanting to try it out for my whole family’s, kids and grandkids, wellness.
Never tried before, but interested in learning more. Winning the giveaway would be a great way to get started.
I’ve never used Thieves oil before but I use essential oils daily.
I have friends that have used it and love and I would LOVE to try it too!!!
I have never used essential oils before, but they smell amazing in houses I’ve visited!
Faye recently posted…Prodigal Son III: Love
I’m pregnant again, and I’d love to have cleaning supplies that I wouldn’t have to worry about being bad for me or the baby.
I’ve heard about Thieves oil, can’t wait to try it!
I have never tried Thieves Oil before. I make a lot of my own personal care items and would love to try these Thieves Oil products. I’m all about making my home happy and healthier with natural products!
I haven’t yet used thieves oil but have heard many great things about it. Would really love to win this so I can try and keep my household healthy!
Working on getting my Aromatherapy Certification. Would love to win this!!
I have never used these essential oils before. I have been reading many blogs about how to use oils in treatments. Having enough health issues of of my own, I am excited to have the opportunity to try them, (essential oil treatments), & experience their benefits! Thank you for the chance-Danielle
I’ve never used this oil, but I’ve heard it’s wonderful. I’m pregnant with our first little one, and I think it would be an awesome start to raising our child by natural means instead of lots of medicines.
Oh Lisa! It is the perfect time for you! I wish I would have known more about these when I was pregnant with my first little one. This is a fantastic time for you. If you are interested please join our essential oil learning group Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I LOVE essential oils, and especially Theives, like you said! I’m glad I found this website, and I will be back to read more, and more! Thank you for am awesome giveaway!!
Yay, Rachel! I’m so glad you found me too! Excited to hear from you more!
I adore Thieves oil but haven’t tried the other products and would love to!
I haven’t tried Thieves EO, but have read so many great things so would love to try them! I am pregnant and would love to use these for natural remedies on the little one 🙂 Thank you!
i’ve used lavender. received as a gift. love it! would love to have more essential oils to continue our natural living path. Thanks!
I have never used thieves oil. I have been doing some reading about thieves oil and I would like to try it.
I LOVE thieves! have only tied EO, would love these products!!!!!!!
Have just started on my EO journey and Young Living seems to be always endorsed as a quality oil company. I am eager to try the thieves oil as it seems to be something that is used on a daily basis for just about everything.
I was first introduced to the wonders of essential oils through Young Living so I’m a huge fan. Thieves is an amazing oil that has the capacity to do so many wonderfully healthy things. I’m a believer and a faithful user.
I love all the uses for Thieves!
I used ordered some Thieves oil from Amazon just before Christmas. Good thing I did…because everyone in the house got a tummy bug after returning home from holiday travel. Everyone except for ME that is!!!! I KNOW it is because I had added the Thieves oil to my store bought hand sanitizer AND I was using it at work in a spray bottle to give the office a nice holiday scent along with spraying phones and keyboards like a mad-woman!! When everyone at home started (sorry) puking, I wrapped a bandana around my face + it had a drop of oil on it and I used a diffuser by my bed. I am a TRUE germ-o-phobe & I WOULD ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ to win this giveaway!!!!!!
~ Monica
Oh Monica! Thanks so much for entering! You would LOVE being part of YL. You should join our fb group.
I have never used eo’s. I was going to. but didn’t know what to put them in. Bad reviews on sprayers.
I have never used Thieves, BUT would LOVE to try it! I have heard all amazing things, and I know it would truly benefit my family! Thanks for having this giveaway!! 🙂
I have been wanting to try Thieves for a while now. I am gradually building up my essential oil arsenal and would love to add Thieves to my cleaning, and healthy living practices. The recipe of essential oils sounds like it would smell amazing!
We love using Thieves to boost our immune systems!
Love, love, love my thieves!
I have used thieves eo and it’s one of my all time favorites…I’ve never tried any of the other thieves products though and would love to win!!
What an awesome package! Thieves is the best!
I use Thieves everyday on my family of 4! I haven’t tried all the products but LOVE the ones I have used!
I just received my YLEO kit but I’ve yet to use Thieves. I can’t wait!
Thieves is my favorite YL oil!
Just bought a YL Premium Starter Kit and I LOVE it!!! This prize is awesome!
I would love to win this because I would love to try the Thieves products I haven’t been able to try yet.
We LOVE our Thieves oil! I just started using Thieves oil and the cleaner a few months ago and was sold on it after just one use! The most recent way I have enjoyed using it is internally for congestion/sore throat. I mix one lemon, cut up and squeezed, about 10 tsp of raw, local honey and about 8 drops of Thieves in a mason jar and refrigerate it. I spoon about 5 tsp of the liquid portion of this mixture into a mug and pour boiling water over it to make a tea, stir and drink. It works almost immediately to soothe sore throat and a congested cough. It will keep in the refrigerator for about a week to 2 weeks.
My family LOVES Thieves and I’d love to win because you can never have too much Thieves!
Love the Thieves products and YL!!! We use Thieves oil everyday on our 2 yr old before daycare. We also use Thieves cleaner as our ONLY cleaner in the house. Love the Dentarome toothpaste! It works so great as deodorant. If you think that is nuts, try it! It really works! Gary Young is the one that gave me the tip, in one of his meetings. The mouthwash and oil has helped my husband cure abscessed tooth. The hand sanitizer and spray I don’t go any where with out. It so convenient! Love this give away!
I love thieves. I would love to be able to use this to make my home less toxic for my baby :).
I have used Thieves EO for illnesses in our family esp with my two little babies. I have just gotten a sample of the cleaner from a friend and I LOVE IT!! I would love to win this to get more access to the thieves products and more experience.
I love theives…use it everyday!
I (heart) Theives!
Been wanting to try this for a while now. Would love to win!
I would love to win this wonderful prize, it would give me a chance to try these products. You see I have FMS quite severe and a good friend has been using them and it has changed her quality of life!
I’ve never used Thieves, but would LOVE to!
I have only used the actual oil. I love it!
I just got my YLEO kit this past week and have used Thieves a lot–love the smell and all that it does!
What a lovely prize and blessing! I am excited to try these oils, whether I win this or not! Blessings to all!
Hi Marie! I just know you would LOVE them. Please join our interest group! We would love to have you!
Love my Thieves oil. Have not had a cold this entire school year. Normally, I would be on my 3rd antibiotic at least!
Wow Melanie! That is fantastic!
I have never used thieves oil but recently I’ve been doing a lot of research about Young Life essential oils…I love what I’m reading and cant wait to try them all. Xo
Wonderful Brandy! I would love to have you join our learning group!
WOW! What an awesome opportunity this is!
How I use Thieves Oil: I struggle with really bad headaches and I put a drop of Thieves on my finger and press to the roof of my mouth or I drop it on my tongue and press to the roof of my mouth… I must say Thieves Oil is POWERFUL… In a matter of a few minutes my headache has eased up or it is completely gone. Not having to taking Advil or Aleve is incredible and much safer and I feel healthier!! I also diffuse Thieves around the house. I do not yet own the rest of the Thieves line but would be blessed to own it!!!! WOO HOO!!!! Oily love to you all and many blessings 🙂
We love to diffuse Thieves oil through out the day, especially in flu season!
Just ordered my first batch of YL oils. Eagerly waiting to begin my families journey to better health!
I love Thieves…it’s all I use to clean!
I never go without having some thieves essential oil in my house! I have never tried the other thieves products and would love to try them!
I’ve never tried Thieves! I would like to really start using essential oils in my daily life 🙂
I strongly recommend it! It has benefited our family, feel free to join our EO learning group.
I am looking into using essential oils. This is an awesome giveaway.
Awesome, Annette! You should join our oily learning group!
I’ve never used these oils before, but have heard a lot about them and am a believer – I have been wanting to get a hold of some for a while now. I’d love to win this giveaway as I make a lot of our household cleaners and hygiene products, and I (and my husband) would love to try something new!
Never used Theives before but have ALWAYS wanted to try it 🙂
Colleen Anderson recently posted…From the Farm
This is a staple in my life. I use it for most everything. Running low!
Just started using essential oils on a daily basis and trying to figure out which oils are best!
LOVE Thieves
I’m a newbie to EOs. Trying to decide between DoTerra, Young Living, and Rocky Mountain Oils. Winning this giveaway would be awesome!
ooh, I know nothing about Rocky Mountain Oils. I do recommend Vibrant Blue Oils though. I also know many people who have had success with DoTerra, but YL are definitely more potent according to non-biased parties. If you would like to join our learning group you are welcome!
I’ve used Thieves oil before and would love to win this giveaway because I have not tried the cleaning products yet!
I have never used Thieves…but recently a friend of mine was severely burned and used YL’s Lavendar oil for a complete and FAST recovery…I’m pretty convinced!
I use Thieves, but just the oil. I love the idea of the home cleaning products!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love Thieves Cleaner and oil. I also like the hand sanitizer and toothpaste. Thieves Rocks!
What a great giveaway. I would love to try thieves. Im trying to improve my health.
An amazing Giveaway! Young Living Thieves products are wonderful.
I am just starting with essential oils and have heard wonderful things about Thieves. Thank you for hostessing this, would love to win it!! 🙂
never used it but read alot about it my hubby has a low immune system so this would be great we used to live in mountain city, tn almost neighbors
We were almost neighbors! Do you live in the area now?
I have never used this. But, would love to. Joining YL next month.
Awesome Lyndy!!! So exciting! It will change your life!
I’ve never had the chance to try this Thieves Oil, only the kind I’ve made from oils I have at home. I love using essential oils, and learning how they can help my family and I feel better, especially because I am plagued with numerous health problems, and am in between two major surgeries. Lately I have tired of buying cheap essential oils online, only to discover they smell odd or do not have the healing properties one would assume they should, no doubt due to being an inferior product. Unfortunately with my limited budget this is all I can afford, so it would be a blessing to win this and see how great oils can improve our health!
Oh yes. I don’t recommend using the cheap EOs online. I’ve used those myself. But, if YL EOs really help you, you could share them with friends and family! I really enjoy being able to get my oils for free sharing something I really love! We are on a very limited budget too, so I TOTALLY understand how that is. Feel free to join our EO learning group.
I use Thieves Essential Oil Daily, and it has kept us free from the flu so far this year. We had it 5 times in our house last season. I have never tried the other items, but want to!
I have used the Five Bandits which is similar to Thieves oil. I just haven’t been able to afford to buy the real thing as of yet. Maybe someday…
I did some postpartum doula work with a mom who used the YL Thieves oil and Thieves products at her home so I had to experience first hand the lovely benefits of these products while working for her. I love the smell and versatility of this cleansing oil (laundry, cleaning, mouthwash, immune system supporter, etc) I also tried the hand soap and the spray. Having these products would make me very happy!
I am just learning about essential oils. I’ve been reading a lot about Thieves. I would love to win this!!!
I have never tried Thieves Oil but have heard wonderful things about it. I want to try it because I believe it would help me be healthier, and would be better than what I’m currently using. I’m disabled so winning these would be incredible!
I love essential oils and hope I win this giveaway!
No, I haven’t used it before, but I have heard great things. Would love to win!
What a beautiful healthy giveaway!
I love using Thieves Oil . very helpful fighting off winter ills .. thank you for this opportunity !
Just learning about essential oils and thieves oil keeps coming up. Really want to learn about and try it! Great giveaway, especially this time of year! Thanks!
I can’t wait to try Thieves!
Thieves is AMAZING! We use it daily to prevent illness and treat viruses and infrection!
I have used Thieves before, love it! Would love to have this set so my entire house would smell like Thieves and would be protected from all kinds of germs and viruses.
I haven’t tried Thieves but I’ve used doTERRA’s “On Guard” blend, which is similar. I am trying to make this my year of transitioning to more natural living, and would love the opportunity to shift to using EO’s in my household!
I use Thieves any time I start to feel sick!
I’m just learning about Essential Oils and would love to try the Thieves oil.
I live for thieves essential oil. My mother has severe crohns and cancer and is a kindergarten teacher…god bless her. Thieves has helped keep from getting severely sick multiple times over the years. I myself suffer from a poor immune system due to a very bad ecoli infection suffered 10 years ago. Dr.’s said immune system would never be the same. Go figure it was from fruit that came in contact with meat and I was a vegan. I swear by thieves. All young living products really. I use peppermint, lemon, and lavender with my massage client. Young Living products are the best. Would love to win the thieves for mom and I. It would help with her recovery from the recent spinal fusion too since immune system has taken a hit. Thanks again! Great page love the Pintrest and all the neat recipes.
I would really love to win this!!!!!!
AWESOME giveaway, awesome stuff!
I’ve tried the oil, but would love to try the other products!
Excited to try Thieves!
I have read so much about YL Thieves oil, and I’ve been wanting to incorporate this oil into my family collection of oils, but the need to replenish our staple oils and the lack of money to spend on new oils has kept me from purchasing this wonderful oil. I’m excited about the giveaway because it would give me a great opportunity to finally explore and experience this oil, helping me to further protect my family. I hope I win!
I have used several but especially love Thieves – would love to try all the Thieves stuff!
LOVE Thieves! One of my favorite oils!! Would love to win all the stuff in this giveaway–my family uses much of this already, but would love to try the hand soap, mouthwash and hand sanitizer! Thank you for the opportunity!
Susan C. recently posted…“There Is Nothing More That We Can Do to Help You” – Part Two in My Medical Health Journey
All of this oiling is new to me. Would like to try some to see how they work for our family. Thanks.
Would love to try essential oils to see how they might change my and my family’s health for the better.
I just started using thieves oil this weekend because we’re fighting something, it would be awesome to use the rest of these products as well!!
I have never used theives oil and I have just started researching about essential oils and would love to have a starter kit!
went to purchase this but was sold out… just am beginning to learn about essential oils… an as cold as it is here in the NE sure would be wonderful to have and share this information…
We use Thieves on the bottom of our feet during the Fall and Winter, put it on cotton balls in the AC vents in car and home, used to use the toothpaste years ago. Would love to use the entire set and buy it again. Winning would be such a blessing in this season of our lives!
I have never tried Thieves, but am quite excited to do so! I want to rid my home of chemicals, and boost our immunity in doing so! What could be better than that? Also, my youngest daughter, who has 4 auto-immune diseases, is due to have her first baby on March 9. I would love to get her started on these products for the her own health and for the health and well being of her new baby!!
I have never tried Thieves Oil, but would love to after reading about it. Recently, I was looking at a recipe on Mountain Rose Herbs.
I’ve never used it before, but very excited to try it!
I love love love essential oils (the only thing I dislike is how expensive they are!), I am very into herbs and oils as remedies. I would love to try these products! Fantastic giveaway 😉
My family seems to have been sick non-stop this season! I am tired of it! I was so excited when I saw your post. I have heard about the amazing properties of thieves oil before. It was recommended to my mother in law to protect her from illness while on chemo. It was really effective. I never knew where to purchase the oils in a quality I could rely on. I am excited about the give away as an opportunity to try different applications.
Am just starting to get into essential oils and would LOVE this kit…with 4 kids anything to help boost immunities and clean non-toxically is great!
Yes! Love how it has kept my son in class during his first year of school more days than any of his friends and kept his brothers safe from school germs too 🙂
Great Giveaway! Just started learning/using oils 🙂
I love your Pinterest boards! So easy to find the information I’m looking for!
I have a bottle of thieves that I need to give back to a friend and would love my own!
I havne’t used Thieves yet. I’m actually saving up to buy my starter kit with Young Living. I can’t wait!!
Yay! You’ll love it!
Uhm, can you say repeated bugs around here? One daughter in particular keeps getting that throat thing . . . wouldn’t a Thieves kit be the most timely prize ev-ah?!!?
Have not used any of the essential oils yet….but would LOVE to win this and knock out all these flu bugs we’ve been dealing with!
I LOVE using essential oils in my home to do absolutely everything:) thanks for doing this awesome giveaway!
I’m just getting started with essential oils and this would be a wonderful boost to my very small collection. Thanks for offering this giveaway!
Great giveaway!
Would love to try Thieves products. I’m all about natural cleaning products,
I am working on getting us completely natural in our home — this would certainly be a way to get us going 🙂 We have pets in the house (one is a bird), I am afraid of harming one of them. I have never used the products, ‘just read about them.
I have never used Thieves I would Love to try it!!
To win this giveaway would help me back to recovery. I have stress fractures in both my legs and I have heard from other people that Thieves has helped heal bones. I would love love love to win this!!!
Would love to add this to my Essential Oils stash I have at my house. I love using thieves for everything!
New to your site. Great offer. Would love to incorporate EO’s into our natural health & winning this set would be just the way to start.
I’ve wanted to try thieves oil for so long. I have many other kinds that I love and use regularly. Winning this would be so awesome! Thanks for doing this giveaway.
April recently posted…Melissa & Doug Wooden Table Set Giveaway!