July Promotion: Get FREE welcome gifts when you order a Premium Starter Kit


Why not get started with essential oils?  

They will change your life.

I’m not kidding when I say it.  They will change your life by giving you the tools you need to have a healthy family.  They can also change your life by helping you be actively change others lives by sharing your testimonials about the products. You can help your family and your friends live healthier more vibrant lives. 

In April of 2013, I was training to be a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, my passion is helping individuals find healing through changing their diets, using natural healing remedies such as herbs or flower essences and help them be empowered to safely use essential oils.  I work with individuals to change their diet so that their body can be supported to heal with nutrient dense foods. Alongside my nutritional therapy protocols I use other healing tools like essential oils.

As I was doing my training, I started hearing more about the difference that 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils made to support the body to heal.  I dived in and ordered a Premium Starter Kit for my family.  I really wanted to try out the oils on my husband’s thyroid (they have been amazing).  Little did I know how drastically these oils would change our lives.  In August of 2013, I decided to start this blog in order to launch my nutritional therapy practice. We live in a rather small area and I wanted to make an income while I stay at home with our three small children and do what I am passionate about, help people find true, lasting health.

Throughout 2014 I have been blessed to work with many Nutritional Therapy clients and I continue to take some Doula clients here and there locally.  But, the biggest blessings has come as I have shared my passion for Young Living Essential Oils.  I continue to share them because they are a very easy way for individuals to begin to understand how powerful natural living is those who want to and need to transition slowly.  

We want to change the world. 

My family and I.  I am very excited to share that on August 1st my husband is leaving his job to pursue his dreams and he will be supporting me in mine.  When you purchase a Premium Starter Kit through my distributor links you will be embarking on a wild adventure.  We are trusting that Young Living, my Nutritional Therapy practice and my Doula practice will support our family of 5.   Your purchase will help support our family.

Not only will you be taking a dynamic step in the right direction to naturally bring healing to your family, you will also be supporting a family who is on a quest to bring healing to the world.  As our Young Living business grows we plan on continue to invest in others to help them find healing, give abundantly to those in need, and training other individuals to live their dreams too.

What is so great about Young Living essential oils?

There really are lots of great things about Young Living essential oils, and if you purchase a Premium Starter Kit you will most definitely find health and healing for your family.  These oils are 100% pure essential oils.  Young Living owns 9 farms all over the world and offers some of the purist product avalaible because they have control over the whole plating and distillation process. If you every purchase from local farmers you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I love it that if you desire it, you can build a business too, but it is not required to become am member.   If you purchase a Premium Starter Kit through me you will get access to fantastic training through our Oily Abundance website and team. We have put together amazing training materials and are working on more to give you the support you need to get the education you need to use your essential oils properly and be successful with a Young Living business.  You don’t have to be a blogger to join our team.  We love that we are a diverse team and can help individuals with both an online or a local business.

Are you feeling the excitement yet? 

During the month of July I am offering my most generous promotion ever!  Why?  Because I want these essential oils to change our life as they have changed ours.  I want you to have a healthy family and I want you to truly be able to live your dreams. 

Anyone who purchases a Premium Starter Kit during the month of July will get a goodie bag with the gifts offer below.

Buy a Premium Starter Kit during the month of July and you will receive…

  • A Highley’s Quick Reference Guide (400 page reference guide on what oil to use when)
  • Bottle cap stickers (SO helpful in helping your organize your essential oils)
  • Thieves hand sanitizer (ditch the toxic stuff and sanitize your hands a safe an natural way – you’ll want to make sure you have this wherever you go.)
  • A Young Living Key Chain so that you can take your oils with you everywhere (always have them on hand when your friends need them and when your family needs them too, great way to share your love for essential oils)
  • Handmade lip balm

This is close to a $50 value!  

What will come in your Premium Starter Kit? 


The Premium Starter kit pictured above includes:

Everyday Oils Collection  10 bottles of essential oils all 5 ml each and a few examples below of what you can use them for:

  • Frankincense (great for skin issues and boosts the immune system)
  • Joy (increases feeling of joy)
  • Lavender (calms, soothes burns, bug bites, helps for sleep)
  • Lemon (brighten mood, help concentrate, great for cleaning)
  • PanAway (aches, pains, sore muscles)
  • Peace & Calming (Is there any better natural sleep aid for children?)
  • Peppermint (great for energy, concentration and headaches)
  • Purification (get rid of bugs, soothe bug bites, diffuse for a clean decent)
  • Thieves (cold, cough, sickness, flu, cleaning, germ killing)
  • and Valor (sleep, aligning the body, help improve kidney function, decrease stress)

A Home Diffuser (just like the one pictured above)
Welcome to Young Living booklet
Essential Oils at a Glance user’s guide
Distributor Resource Guide
S.E.E.D. Sharing for Success booklet
Stress Away 5-ml (AWESOMENESS IN A BOTTLE!!! Don’t leave home without it!)
AromaGlide Roller Fitment
Two Lavender Sample Packets
Two Peppermint Sample Packets
Two Peace & Calming Sample Packets
Two Lemon Sample Packets
Two Thieves Sample Packets
Sample Packet Business Cards
Two NingXia Red 2-oz. samples
Distributor Agreement
Product Guide and Product Price List

All of these items retail for $261.84 and when you sign up as a distributor you get them for $150!!!  But that’s not all, once you become a distributor you will get 24% off any future purchases of essential oils. No monthly commitment or fee! This is just one of the many reasons I chose to become a distributor with Young Living!


This is your step-by-step guide on how to join Young Living Oils:

1. Click here to enroll. One of the premium starter kits is the best value.

2. Select Wholesale Member so you can get the wholesale discount. {If you select “Retail Customer” you will not receive wholesale pricing, so be sure to click Wholesale Member!}

3. My member number is: 1440595 – You can place this in both top boxes. Or, this link will take you right to it.

4. Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact info. (The reason you are asked for your SSN is for tax purposes; if you make over $600/year selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail, as is required by law. Young Living never shares this info with anyone.)

5. Create your password and pin which you will use to log in to your account and order your oils.

6. Select your enrollment order. This is where you can specify which starter kit you would like. You must sign up with one of these kits to become a Wholesale Member. (The Premium Kit is still the best value. Fight the urge to purchase a smaller kit, you just don’t get any oils in them. You really won’t benefit from it.)

7. Set up your optional Essential Rewards Program. Buying one of the ER kits is not a requirement to sign up as a Wholesale Member! This is a rewards program you can opt into to start earning money back to help pay for your oils. At this point, you can skip this step by selecting “No, thank you. I plan on enrolling in the Essential Rewards Program later.” If one of the ER kits looks valuable to you, then go for it in addition to your starter kit.

8. Agree to Terms and Conditions.

9. CONFIRM YOUR ORDER. I have had many folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out. To confirm, the tool will log you in and it will show you your order again and it will make you enter in your payment information again.

And, don’t worry I won’t let you get overwhelmed with what there is to learn.  Make sure you join my Rooted Blessings Essential Oils Facebook group to keep on learning on how to use your new purchase.

Make sure you check out our Oily Abundance site that is committed to resource our business builders!

Please note:  These gifts will arrive in August.  Offer ends on July 31st.  You must have signed up for a new Young  Living account in July of 2014 to qualify for this offer or have an inactive account.  Young Living does ship all over the world, and I welcome distributors from all over, but this offer is for US purchases only.  



  1. Kimberly Davis says:

    Hello! I literally just signed up and purchased my premium starter kit 20 minutes ago, but I didn’t see this blog posting until just now! Did I have to use you member number in order to qualify for your giveaway!? Let me know! Love reading your blog 🙂

  2. Have you had your first 10 sign up for your July promotion yet??? I’m interested and trying to decide who’s member number to use.

  3. Michelle Proper says:

    Would love to do this down the road but money is really tight right now 🙁

    • Becky Webb says:

      Hey Michelle, I’ve had several people keep up with me as they save for kits and PM me how they are doing on their saving progress. I love to encourage saving (we don’t have any credit cards at our house). If you are able to save here and there, let me know. I love to offer incentives for people that I know have saved over time.

  4. I’m so excited to get started! I’ve put it off for so long while I did research, but now it seems like a no-brainer. Thanks for all the help and information!

  5. Thanks for the gifts, Becky! I can’t wait for my kit to arrive and for my family to become an oily one!

  6. Just signed up through your number and saw that the offer was limited to the first 10 people. Did 10 people sign up? Did I miss my chance???

    • Becky Webb says:

      Hey Jenny! I had an extra incentive for the first 10 people that I thought I deleted from the post. Sorry about that. No, you didn’t miss your chance. I’m going to send you all the goodies in the photo sometime next month. 😀

  7. So sad I missed t his, what an awesome opportunity with all of those amazing gifts!! Will you be doing a september special?? If so, I will sign up friday!!!

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